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  • 執筆者の写真Noriaki Gentsu

Spring Ephemerals - 春の妖精たち

福寿草とクロカス。Adonis and crocus. @My garden, April 21,2020.

English version available down below.

今まで生きたなかで今年ほど、スプリング・エフェメラル(春の妖精)を気にして見たことはない。その名のとおり春の短いあいだ咲く儚い花だ。枯れるわけではないが夏のあいだは見えないようにひっそりしている。その根は土の中で育ちつづけ次の年のエネルギーを蓄える。 ※ ephemerals: 儚い(はかない)ものたち


スプリング・エフェメラルが咲いた庭にいると、時がゆっくりと確実に自分の中を流れているのを感じる。いままではバラや華やかなものを見てきた。しかし時々は、来年にむけて土のなかで育ち続ける"儚いものたち"を思うことにしよう。Noriaki Gentsu


I've never seen spring ephemerals more closely in my life than I do this year. True to their name, they are spring-flowering plants that only last a short time in spring. They do not die, but go silent and disappear from view in summertime. Their roots continue growing under the soil to save energy for the next year.

People all over the world are being forced to change their lifestyles due to the outbreak of COVID-19. There are heart-breaking stories of people fighting the disease in the front line and sacrificing their lives, or of people having no chance to say goodbye to their loved ones passing away from the disease.

Standing in the garden and being with spring-flowering ephemerals, I do feel the time streaming slowly and steadily in me. I saw roses or all the flowery things in my garden before. But, I will sometimes think of these ephemeral things that keep growing in the soil for the next year.  Noriaki Gentsu



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